Member of the European MS Platform

MS Platform of Serbia
Changing Stereotypes!

Join us in the fight for access to therapy
for all MS patients!

MS Association

MS Platform is an association
dedicated to providing help,
support, and therapy to all patients.

Changing Stereotypes

Multiple sclerosis is not an incurable
disease, let’s stop multiple sclerosis
in Serbia.

What is MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most
common neurological disease among young people.
It affects individuals between the ages
of 20 and 40, a period when people are at
a personal, family, and professional peak,
achieving the most significant milestones in life.
Continuous and repeated damage to the myelin
leads to demyelination, causing nerve fiber
– axons – to deteriorate.
Critical axonal loss results in
neurological impairments.

Član Evropske MS Platforme

MS Platforma Srbije
Menjamo Stereotipe!

Pridruži nam se u borbi za dostupnost terapije
svim MS pacijentima!

MS Udruženje

MS platforma je udruženje koje se
zalaže sa pružanje pomoći, podrške
i terapije svim pacijentima.

Menjamo Stereotipe

Multipla skleroza nije neizlečiva
bolest, zaustavimo multiplu sklerozu
u Srbiji.

Sta je MS?

Multipla skleroza (MS) je najčešće
neurološko oboljenje mladih ljudi.
Obolevaju osobe u dobi između 20. i
40. godine života, u vreme kad se
ljudi nalaze u ličnom, porodičnom i
profesionalnom usponu i postižu
najbitnije stvari u životu. Stalna i
ponavljana oštećenja mijelina
dovode do demijelinizacije, te
nervna vlakna – aksoni propadaju,
kritičan gubitak aksona dovodi do
neuroloških ispada.

Multiple sclerosis manifests through various clinical symptoms that can differ from person to person.

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Basic principles of MS treatment

The treatment of MS has dramatically changed over the past twenty years. From a disease with no available medication, we have progressed to 14 registered original drugs. The greatest advancement in neurology is specifically related to the therapy for MS, particularly the relapsing-remitting form of MS (RRMS).

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Neurologist Map

This map, supported by the Jelena Šantić Foundation, was created to help patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) find reliable neurologists in public and private institutions across Serbia. The lack of information often makes access to adequate care difficult, and this database, based on patient recommendations, serves as a guide to specialists who understand MS and can provide quality support.

The map is intended for people with MS, their families, and anyone looking for a trusted neurologist. Every new recommendation contributes to its accuracy and usefulness for the MS community.

Become a member of the MS Platform

Pand join us in the fight

for access to therapy

for all MS patients

If you want to stay informed

about events and the latest research,

sign up for our email list!

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MS Platform of Serbia

An association of people with multiple sclerosis, their family members, doctors,

nurses, physiotherapists, our friends, colleagues, and all kind-hearted

individuals who support us.

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Treat immediately

The fundamental principle of MS treatment is that therapy must begin as early as possible, immediately after the diagnosis of MS is established.

More information

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Individual approach to treatment

The therapy is chosen based on the patient, the characteristics of their disease, and the activity of MS. The decision on therapy selection should be made by a neurologist, specifically an MS specialist.

More information

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True stories of people living with MS

The more we talk about MS, the more others understand. Share your story with us.
 These are not just ordinary stories; they are stories filled with pain and hope…

More information

We want a cure for all

Given the situation in Serbia, where only 20% of people with multiple sclerosis receive treatment, we asked our fellow fighters in…

More information

True stories


People living with MS

Sharing news
with you


Find all our posts about MS, therapies,
and research. We provide accurate information,
support, and raise awareness about
multiple sclerosis in Serbia.

Marriage in the Embrace of Illness

An old proverb says: “If you want to
make God laugh, just tell Him
your plans!” We most often
remember it in benign…

Radio Studio B

In this episode, the host’s guest is
actor Miloš Timotijević,
this year’s recipient of the
“Prof. Dragana Obradović” award.
The guests also include Ivana…

Radio Studio B – Guest appearance of the president of the MS Platform Smederevo

Every Wednesday at 11:00 AM on
Radio Studio B, we listen to stories
about life and the fight against
#MultipleSclerosis. For the past three weeks,

In memoriam

“Either you stand for big things or small things” –
the lesson taught by Dr. Dragana Obradović,
a heroine in the fight for


If you want to stay informed about events
and the latest research, sign up for our email list!

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