Multiple sclerosis is manifested in a variety of clinical symptoms that are different from person to person. It is necessary that the patient immediately turn to their doctor when they experience one or more symptoms. There is a number of various therapies depending on the symptoms the patient is experiencing, including prescribed medications and non-prescription drugs. Diet, exercise, psychological counseling and wellness programs can be helpful along with targeted treatment of certain symptoms. The best results are achieved when the instructions of relevant health workers are followed.
MS symptoms are often followed by an extreme fatigue that can get worse in the afternoon or as a result of excessive warming of the body. Some symptoms are worsening in an instant due to thermal intolerance, which is a common case in MS patients, when overheating of the body (from the outside environment or due to effort) leads to a person feeling worse. Staying in air-conditioned or chilled space can positively affect heat-sensitive persons.
Physical and occupational therapy have an important impact to recovery from relapse or changing motoric abilities. Speech therapy, therapeutic exercises and medical devices may also be helpful in dealing with symptoms of MS. Persons who are exposed to physically demanding or stressful jobs can opt for a change in occupation where vocational training has proved to be useful.
Psychological counseling can be very helpful to family members of a person diagnosed with MS. Patients’ families are affected in various ways, both on physical and emotional plane. With professional help it is possible to enable normal functioning of families of patients suffering from MS.
Symptoms experienced by MS patients are various and numerous. The symptoms that are most common can be grouped as follows: